You should be able to:
• Describe the features the EVA solution
• Identify and describe the features and functions of the HSV controllers
• Identify and describe the features and functions of the disk drive enclosures
• Identify and describe the characteristics of EVA models and describe initial setup procedures
• Use Command View EVA to set up, configure, and manage the EVA
• Define the basic terminology and concepts associated with the EVA and storage virtualization
• Describe and perform storage system configuration activities with Command View EVA
• Describe the configuration steps to prepare a host and storage system to complete a solution
• Define advanced terminology and concepts associated with the EVA and storage virtualization
• Describe Storage Management Agent options and information displayed onthe rack, controller, and disk  drive properties pages of a storage system
• Describe storage configuration considerations in a solution environment
• Describe how to set up and use the Storage System Scripting Utility
• Perform basic troubleshooting and removal and replacement procedures

Module 1 — Solution overview
Describes the major components of the EVA storage system.

Module 2 — Concepts and terminology
Describes the most basic terminology and concepts associated with the EVA and storage virtualization.

Module 3 — HSV controllers
Describes in detail the physical, management, and interconnect features of the HSV200, HSV210, HSV100 and HSV110 controllers.

Module 4 — Disk drive enclosures
Describes in detail the physical, management, and interconnect features of the M5214A disk drive enclosures and the FC-AL drives.

Module 5 — Hardware configuration
Describes how the EVA components are integrated and describes supported configurations and initial storage system setup.

Module 6 — HP StorageWorks Command View EVA
Describes the how to use Command View EVA to set up, configure, and manage the EVA

Module 7 — Storage system configuration
Describes how to perform storage system configuration activities using Command View EVA.

Module 8 — Host system configuration
Describes the configuration steps to prepare a host and storage system to complete a solution.

Module 9 — Advanced concepts and terminology
Defines advanced terminology and concepts associated with the EVA and storage virtualization.

Module 10 — Storage system management
Describes how Command View EVA provides management resources such as passwords, hardware property displays, and event logs.

Module 11 — System integration
Describes system integration with supported event monitoring solutions and best practices to enhance EVA storage subsystem performance.

Module 12 — Storage System Scripting Utility
Describes the Storage System Scripting Utility and outlines the commands available to you.

Module 13 — Troubleshooting
Provides information on basic troubleshooting for the EVA. Describes the customer replaceable units (CRUs) and field replaceable units (FRUs).

An overview of the HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array (EVA) storage system and all of its major hardware and software components:

• Recognize product features of the EVA.
• Describe the functional layout of the EVA.
• Describe the physical layout of the EVA.
• Recognize the attributes and features of EVA hardware, including:
   + Racks and rack models
   + HSV controller enclosures
   + Fibre Channel disk drive enclosures and FC-AL disks
   + Fibre Channel loop switch
   + Power cables and enclosure address bus connections
• Recognize the attributes and features of EVA software, including:
   + Virtual controller software
   + Command View EVA
• Recognize the supported operating systems.
• Identify the current types of service solutions.

Virtual Controller Software (VCS) and XCS is the software engine behind EVA virtualization and reside in the controllers. VCS run on the HSV100 and HSV110 controllers. XCS runs on the HSV200 and HSV210 controllers. Features of the controller software include:
+ Contains software for controllers, EMU, and disk drives
+ Allows nondisruptive firmware updates
+ Is distributed with controller hardware from the factory or through the Software kit

+ Is enabled by software license keys (Business Copy, Continuous Access)
+ Is managed by Command View EV

Command View EVA software runs on the SMA (Storage Managemnet Appliance) or storage management server to allow storage configuration, administration, and management of the EVA. Command View EVA is the only graphical user interface for the EVA.

HP StorageWorks Command View EVAPerf enables you to monitor and display EVA performance metrics for:
+ Replication Data
+ Host Connection Data
+ Host Port Statistics
+ Physical Disk Data
+ Port Status
+ Storage Cell Data
+ Virtual Disk Data
+ Storage Controller Data
You can display performance metrics graphically in the Windows Perfmon utility, or display metrics in tabular form in a command prompt window (using evaperf from the command line). You can also output the metrics in tabular data in CSV (comma-separated value) or TSV (tab-separated value) format for use with external applications, such as Microsoft Excel.

The most common products that may coexist with the EVA are:
+ HP StorageWorks Business Copy EVA
   Business Copy allows you to create two types of snapshots:
   • Fully allocated snapshot operations require that you reserve and set aside the capacity amount equal to that of the original volume for the snapshot.
   • Demand-allocated (Virtually Capacity-Free) snapshots have minimal space reserved up front. Space is only used as the original virtual disk changes data.
   Business Copy allows you to create snapclones (Virtually Instantaneous Snapclones), an improved type of data cloning. A snapclone is similar to a fully allocated snapshot in that duplicate space is reserved. However, a complete copy of the original virtual disk is created, instead of only copying metadata. Two identical copies of the data are created with a snapclone. Unlike traditional cloning that requires you to wait until the copy is complete, you can access the EVA snapclone data immediately.
+ HP StorageWorks Continuous Access EVA
The VCS 3.X remote data replication functionality supports various operating systems. You can find the host-specific Continuous Access versions that are supported in the standard Continuous Access documentation.
HP StorageWorks Command View EVA
+ StorageWorks SMI-S EVA
+ HP StorageWorks Secure Path
You can find the host-specific Secure Path versions that are supported in the Secure Path documentation. In all cases, Secure Path is required to support multiple paths to a single LUN for a host.
+ HP OpenView Storage Volume Growth
This host-based replication product enables the Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 operating systems attached to EVA storage systems to expand volumes without disrupting applications. This product was formerly the online volume growth feature of Storage Virtual Replicator.
+ HP OpenView Storage Virtual Replicator
This host-based storage virtualization product has all the features of the HP OpenView Storage Volume Growth component plus the ability to create pools, virtual disks, and snapshots.

Optional licenses for the EVA include:
+ Business Copy EVA
• Snapshots and snapclones
• Licensed by disk storage capacity connected to the controller pair
+ Continuous Access for EVA
• Real-time remote data replication
• Licensed by the disk storage capacity connected to the controller pair
The above licenses are entered through the SMA.
There are also licenses for Command View EVA. These are capacity-tiered licenses based on the pooled, raw EVA capacity managed.

• Define the term storage system.
• Identify the primary features of a disk group.
• Identify the primary features of virtual disks.
• Describe distributed virtual RAID technology.
• Describe virtual disk leveling.
• Describe virtual disk creation.
• Identify the snapshot implementation methods used with the EVA.
• Describe the EVA terms of hosts and LUNs.

A storage system is an initialized pair of HSV controllers with a minimum of eight physical disk drives. The storage system requires a name up to 24 characters long.

Disk group
A disk group is a group of physical disks from which you can create virtual disks. Disk group features include:
+ The minimum number of physical disk drives in a disk group is eight.
+ The maximum number of physical disk drives is the number present in the system.
   • The maximum for the EVA4000 is 56.
   • The maximum for the EVA6000 is 112.
   • The maximum for the EVA8000 is 240.
   • The maximum for the EVA5000 is 240.
   • The maximum for the EVA3000 is 56.
+ Unassigned or new disks can be added to an existing group.
+ Mixed drive sizes within a group are allowed, with caveats.
+ A maximum of 16 disk groups are allowed per EVA5000 and EVA8000
storage system; 7 for the EVA3000, EVA4000 and EVA6000.
+ Each disk group has a disk failure protection level.
• The level reserves disk group space for no, single, or double disk failures.
• The default protection level is None. When this level is chosen, sparing will occur if enough unassigned capacity is available in the disk group.

Disk group metadata
When a storage system is created, the metadata is copied to five quorum disks in the default disk group. The maximum number of quorum disks is sixteen (one per disk group).
Metadata overhead is approximately 0.2% of the total disk group capacity.

Disk group capacity
A disk group has two types of capacity: assigned and unassigned. Assigned capacity is used for virtual disks, snapshots and snapclones, and reserved space for the disk group protection level.
The system draws on unassigned capacity as needed for:
   • New virtual disk creation, snapshots, and snapclones.
   • Freeing a physical disk for removal or reassignment.
   • Data reconstruction after a disk failure.
Unassigned capacity increases when virtual disks are deleted or new physical disks are added to the disk group

Disk group configuration
When configuring the default disk group, the EVA controller firmware attempts to choose disks from the left-most drive banks on different drive enclosures. For the next disk group, the controllers attempt to use the disks from the right-most drive banks on different drive enclosures. This is called the Robust Availability Configuration algorithm (formerly called the nonstop VRAID configuration).

If desired, you can add disks to a disk group by physical location after creating the default disk group.

Virtual disk (Vdisk)
A virtual disk (Vdisk) is a logical disk with certain characteristics, such as size and redundancy level, that resides in a single disk group and spans all physical drives in that disk group.
Virtual disk features include:
+ Size:
• Created in 1GB increments
• Minimum size of 1GB

+ Redundancy levels:
Redundancy levels on HSV virtual disks offer the same protection level as RAID0, RAID1, and RAID5; however, I/O per second, parity distribution, and other characteristics are implemented differently than with traditional RAIDs.
The redundancy levels for the HSV virtual disks are categorized as follows:
   • None (VRAID0, or striping) — Data is striped across all physical disks in the disk group with no redundancy.
   • Moderate (VRAID5, or striping with parity) — Data is striped with parity across all physical disks in the disk group. Always five (4+1) physical disks per stripe are used.
   • High (VRAID1, or mirroring) — Data is striped and mirrored across all physical disks in the disk group. Every disk in the disk group will be paired or married to another specific disk to form mirrored pairs. If there
are an odd number of drives in the disk group, one drive will be unpaired and will not be used for VRAID1 virtual disks.
+ Cache policy
   • Mirrored or unmirrored write-back cache. Default is mirrored.
   • Read cache policy, on or off. Default is on.
+ Preferred path/mode
• No preference — Presentation of the Vdisk alternates between the two controllers (default selection).
• Path A - Failover only — Controller A will present the Vdisk to hosts when both controllers are simultaneously started.
• Path A - Failover/failback — Controller A will present the Vdisk to hosts, but if controller A fails, control of the virtual disk is transferred to controller B, then transferred back to controller A when it is available
• Path B - Failover only — Controller B will present the Vdisk to hosts when both controllers are simultaneously started.
• Path B - Failover/failback — Controller B will present the Vdisk to hosts, but if controller B fails, control of the virtual disk is transferred to controller A, then transferred back to controller B when it is available
• Write protection — read and write (default) or read only

A storage system can have a maximum of 512 virtual disks.

Distributed virtual RAID technology
In the EVA solution, the HSV controller and VCS enable disk virtualization through the implementation of distributed virtual RAID (DVR) technology

Virtual disk expansion
After adding disk capacity to a disk group, you can increase the size of a virtual disk, but cannot decrease its size.
• Some supported EVA operating systems support online volume growth:
 - Supported on Sun Solaris with the growfs command.
 - Supported on Microsoft Windows using HP StorageWorks Storage Volume Growth or DiskPart.
• Storage Volume Growth is a separately sold product.
• DiskPart is included in the Microsoft Windows 2000 Resource Kit or from the Microsoft website.
Disk expansion is not supported on any other operating system but there are workarounds. Refer to the EVA installation and configuration guide for the appropriate operating system for additional information.

Understanding the space used for the RStores is important to understand how much disk space is actually used for each type of Vdisk. Because VRAID0 has no redundancy, no extra space is used. For VRAID 5 with its 4 + 1 configuration, 20% extra space is used. For VRAID1, 100% extra space is required.
For example
A 80 GB VRAID0 Vdisk actually reserves 80GB of space.
A 80 GB VRAID5 Vdisk actually reserves 100GB of space.
A 80 GB VRAID1 Vdisk actually reserves 160GB of space.

Snapshot implementation
Snapshots are point-in-time copies of virtual disks. Initially, a snapshot is only a virtual copy — it only contains pointers to the actual data on the virtual disk.
Before changes are made to the data on the original volume, that original data is moved to the snapshot. A snapshot is intended to be a temporary copy of the virtual disk.
Snapshot technology is implemented through an optional license for HP StorageWorks Business Copy EVA. Business Copy EVA provides two different types of snapshots, a fully-allocated snapshot and a demand-allocated snapshot.

All snapshots within a virtual disk family must have the same allocation policy; for example, if one demand-allocated snapshot is created, all snapshots must be demand-allocated snapshots.

A snapclone is an actual point-in-time copy of a virtual disk just like a normal clone. The term snapclone is used because, unlike a clone, the snapclone is available almost instantaneously using the snapshot capability. As a result, the term Virtually Instantaneous snapclone is also used.

Snapclones are available when implementing the snapclone capability through Business Copy EVA.
The snapclone operation performs a full background copy of the original virtual disk. Space is allocated in the disk group at the moment of snapclone creation. After the background copy is complete, it severs the sharing relationship with the original virtual disk and becomes its own independent entity. The snapclone can then be set to a different preferred controller than the original virtual disk.
Hosts and LUNs
A host is a collection of Fibre Channel adapters (FCAs) that reside in the same virtual server.
A logical unit number (LUN) is a virtual disk presented to one or multiple hosts. EVA rules for hosts, connections, and LUNs include:
1 LUN presented to 1 host = 1 presentation
1 LUN presented to 256 hosts = 256 presentations
256 LUNs presented to 1 host = 256 presentations


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